Skills USA
May 12, 2023
Eagle employee Luke, who is a Youth Apprentice from Kimberly High School recently participated in the Skills USA State competition held in Madison on April 25th & 26th.
Skills USA is a national organization that is a partnership of students, teachers and industries working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. It provides educational programs, events, and competitions that support career and technical education in the nation’s classrooms.
Luke placed 3rd in the Regional Competition at Fox Valley Technical College in February, which qualified him to participate in the State competition held at Madison Area Technical College in April.
There were over 1600 competitors in various different career categories. Luke competed in the Precision Machining/CNC Programming category and had to complete the following 5 tests within a specific time period. (1-machining knowledge, 2-CAD/CAM, 3-G-code, 4-manual mill, 5-manual lathe)
Luke scored highest (58 out of 60) in Milling & G-Code. He credits his experience working at Eagle as a Youth Apprentice as well as his great instructors at Kimberly High School for achieving such a high score. The 4 person team from KHS earned 1st, 2nd & 4th place in this competition.
Luke said, “I especially like Machining because I like precision, I’m sort of a perfectionist. Also, it allows me to always be learning something new. It’s challenging”. Luke was attracted to Machining as a career choice early on because his uncle was a Machinist. Luke plans on attending UW-Stevens Point in the fall to study another of his passions; Aquatic Sciences.
Great job Luke!